Welcome to the Official Website of Town of Kinder

Mayor's Report

It's hard to believe that eight years have already passed since being honored by you to be the Mayor of Kinder. We have all been through much, yet we continue to persevere. Our town's unity and ability to support each other through good and bad is what makes Kinder such a special place! I look forward to that same spirit over the next four years. Thank you for making Kinder a great place to live! It is a privilege to be Mayor. Happy New Year!

Bill Payment Options

You may make utility payments in person in our lobby, at our drive-through window, in our outside drop box, by mail, by automatic bank draft, or online through this payment tab

Conservation Tips

There are a number of easy ways to save water, and they all start with YOU. When you save water, you save money on your utility bills. Here are just a few ways... learn more

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Boil Advisory Information

January 29, 2025

Clearing Up Confusion About the Current Boil Advisory

We want to clarify some confusion regarding the current boil advisory for Town of Kinder water customers and boil advisories in general.

First, it's important to understand that the Town of Kinder purchases 100% of its water from the Southwest Allen Parish Water District (SWAP). This means that if SWAP issues a boil advisory for an area that affects town customers, those customers are also under a boil advisory.

When a boil advisory is issued, a water sample is taken after repairs are completed and sent to the state lab for testing. The time required for testing can vary—it may take a day or several days, depending on the...

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Wintertime Water Pipe Preservation Tips

Wintertime Water Pipe Preservation Tips

February 01, 2025

As temperatures plummet and winter tightens its grip, the specter of frozen water pipes becomes a pressing concern for homeowners.

Are your pipes adequately fortified against the bitter cold to stave off potential disasters?

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